To all my readers,
Eighteen months ago, almost to the day, I started a food blog. Little Scarlet began for me as a hobby, and like the best hobbies it became delightfully all-consuming. I mean, what better way to spend the day than by reading and writing about great food? I guess you could eat all of that great food - and most days, I’ve been lucky enough to do just that. I’ve always been an adventurous eater, and running Little Scarlet gave me the extra motivation to seek out foods, flavors, and experiences I’d always wanted to try. And with some extra time on my hands, I’ve been able to share my stories with all of you!
But at the end of the day, I do have a day job – and finally, after years of hard work at that day job, I caught a break!
Goodbye assistant, hello associate! Goodbye days of busy work and paper shuffling, hello responsibility! Wonderful news all around… except for Little Scarlet.
To my steady readers out there, I’m sure it’s been obvious that my posting has tapered off a bit over the last few months. I tried to hop back in the saddle in December, but things at work and at home have been just too hectic for me to give Little Scarlet the time and attention it deserves. So instead of consistently falling short of my good intentions and lofty aspirations – not to mention making you all wonder why I fell off the face of the Earth and if I’m ever coming back – I think I’d best make it official: Little Scarlet is going on hiatus for a while.
I’ll still be checking Little Scarlet’s e-mail, so please keep sending me your thoughts and questions. I’ll also be more active on Twitter (hey, weekly posts may be too much for now, but I can handle 140 characters!!), so you can keep up with me there - @Little_Scarlet - to keep tabs on interesting articles, great meals, NYC food events, and national foodie trends.
You’ve all helped make the last year-and-a-half incredibly exciting and memorable. I can’t wait to write for you all again one day!
All the best,
Portia (aka “Little Scarlet”)